Category Archives: Lawyer Life

Our first tough case

In this post we wanna talk a little about the case, that had us running around, battling other lawyers while knowing we’re right and not being able to prove it. We all have grown quite a bit both as lawyers and people while working on this case.

A small business owner, whose name we will not be revealing, reached out to us when a larger company in their market decided to sue them, because they though he was using that company’s name in their website: and it was somehow illegal. If you think that websites aren’t a big deal in 2016 you’re mistaking.

From the very beginning, we knew that the law was on our side, we … Read the rest

What Does It Take To Be a Lawyer

Let me start off by saying that practicing law, you have to have self control and patience. You never know what kind of case or client you will get, so you must take it as it comes.

Your clients can turn out to be extremely unreasonable and a tad crazy, or they can be the sweetest, most unselfish people you’ve met. Either way, they are your clients and you must do all that is in your power to stand for them and protect them.

One of my struggles within law, is my own personal bias. You may be given a type of case that you don’t know where you stand or what you believe. When these types … Read the rest